From Ellen Fenster-Kuehl, Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees has officially endorsed our participation in the Montclair Sanctuary Alliance (MSA), along with Bnai Keshet and the First Congregational Church. The Board found this to be an appropriate manifestation of the congregation’s vote in 2007 to support the Sanctuary movement. Organized to provide a safe place for persons in danger of deportation as they attempt to stabilize their immigration status, MSA is supporting a physical sanctuary location at Bnai Keshet.
Through its active subcommittees, the Board remains busy, along with other groups at UUCM, strengthening organization, pastoral services, and worship experience, while also improving communication and coordination across the congregation. Alerted by Rev. Anya, the congregation was able to respond rapidly when Bnai Keshet committed their space to this sanctuary effort. In addition to the board endorsement, Sharing Our Riches pivoted to donate proceeds for two months and the newly organized Social Justice Coalition will be mobilizing volunteers to help sanctuary residents. You will be hearing more about this effort in the weeks and months to come.
In other Board actions, Iris De La Paz will increase her hours as Religious Education Program Coordinator to full time to support our RE program and Danielle Carlo, also increasing her hours, will assume some of the membership functions following the resignation of Chris Buja. A search committee has been formed to identify a Religious Education Director (one year position) to begin this summer.
There is new ‘wind beneath our wings’ thanks to the many people who made our 2017 Auction such an outstanding success. Plans are already underway for a very successful Pledge Drive under the chair of Jerry Fried.