How We Work
Among the goals of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Montclair is the creation of a safe environment in which members of the Congregation can both explore and experience spiritual growth, as well as freely express their individual views and opinions. As Unitarian Universalists, we value the “inherent worth and dignity of every person.”

Bylaws exist to support and enhance the functioning of the Congregation. Bylaws provide the formal structure of your congregation and allow for maintaining and changing that structure. The bylaws hold the highest level of authority of congregational guiding documents.
Board of Trustees
Our Board of Trustees is committed to upholding our Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Montclair values. The Board actively and reflectively holds themselves accountable to their Covenant. The Board is comprised of a five person executive committee and seven trustees at large.
Strategic Plan
In August 2018, the Board of Trustees at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Montclair (UUCM) voted to initiate the process of developing, and subsequently implementing, a Strategic Plan for the period beginning July 2020 through June 2024. The UUCM Strategic Plan Task Force (SPTF) was established to lead the process.
The Plan aims to affirm UUCM’s identity and provides the congregation with priorities for the future and pathways to achieve those priorities. It is a forward-looking document collaboratively created to foster mindful action, provide structure for our programs, and set priorities for the budgeting process, staffing decisions, technology acquisition, and facilities improvements.
The Strategic Plan is intended to function as a playbook to help the Board, Staff, Council on Ministries, and Congregation at large achieve the congregational Mission and live into the congregational Vision. The Goals & Objectives section of this plan, was created to establish priorities for strategic action within the 4-year plan implementation period.
Annual Report
Each year, leaders are asked to submit an annual report no later than August 1. Please add producing an Annual report for your team or committee into your agendas now so we can receive it in time. If you have any question about what is requested, please see previous annual reports, or speak to Rev Scott. Our aim is to publish the Annual Report by September 1 of each year.
Land Acknowledgement
The Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Montclair occupies the traditional, ancestral and contemporary lands of the Lenni-Lenape. We acknowledge the Lenni-Lenape as the original people of this land and their continuing relationship with their territory. We also recognize the settler-colonial genocide which attempts to erase them from history, as well as our obligation to counter this erasure with our words and with our actions.
Policies and Procedures
Leaders Handbook
Your guide to navigating your congregation as a leader of UUCM.
Our Commitment to the 8th Principle
We covenant to affirm and promote: journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism.
Covenant Restoration Form
If you have experienced or witnessed a breach in the covenant that holds us in an Inclusive, Beloved and Safe community at UUCM, please fill out this form.
Policies and Procedures that Serve a Beloved, Inclusive, and Safe Community
The Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Montclair is a covenantal community, in which we agree to relate to one another in accord with a sacred promise that enables us to create a Beloved Community.
Safe and Civil Congregation
In order to fulfill our goals, it is important that the Congregation encourage appropriate behavior at our Congregation premises and events, and that the Congregation strongly discourage all actions, verbal or otherwise, that actually or potentially harm, degrade, intimidate, or violate the safety of members of the Congregation or visitors to Congregation premises and events.
Welcoming Congregation
We know that religious spaces haven’t always been welcoming places for all people, especially when it comes to gender and sexuality. We strive for radical inclusion and belonging. We create spaces that honor every part of our identities, backgrounds, and experiences.
Rites of Passage Policy
The purpose of our Rites of Passage is to establish boundaries, accountability and authority with regard to the official service including child dedications, weddings, and memorial services for members and non-members of the congregation.
Financial Policies and Procedures
The purpose of this manual is to describe the fiscal policies, procedures and internal controls to be utilized by the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Montclair.
Public Forum Procedure
The Board of Trustees at UUCM holds open meetings where guests from the congregation can attend, comment, and ask questions. Here are the procedures that guide this engagement.
Check Reimbursement Form
You can make purchases using your own money for your committee or group and be reimbursed by the congregation. Please fill out the form below for yourself or for a member who made a purchase.
Inclement Weather
Winter weather conditions may warrant the closing of UUCM and the cancelling of event or worship services. If you suspect cancellation, follow these procedures.
Driveway Use
The UUCM driveway is a means of access to our facility and a parking location for staff, members, and renters. As the driveway is not sufficient to accommodate all everyone, this policy sets forth priorities and regulations.