While reading the summer issue of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Montclair, NJ’s Gazette, I thought about my path. The message from our ministerial intern, Sabrina Trupia wasn’t just about goodbyes but their adventure and taking the right path.
Category: Sacred Wheel CUUPs’ Blog
Get up! Sing, dance, well just get loud — Raise energy during ritual
“Permission for Maximum Joy” a worship service crafted by both the Rev. Scott Sammler-Michael, senior co-minister and Intern Sabrina Trupia. Joy is a great thing and should be present in everything that we do. We should not be afraid to laugh, dance, sing, clap and get into it when we feel moved during a ritual....
Affirmations — for spellwork and mundane life — direct your con
Affirmations can help you create a successful spell. Not too long ago I said that spellwork is not just waving your hands; rattle off some words and voila. I focused on the importance of intent and effort. These are all still true and very important to remember.
Earth Day 2023 — plant a tree, plant a seed and your intentions too
Well once again, it’s Earth Day. This celebration, founded in 1970, is a day to educate people on environmental issues. However, in my opinion, it is also a day to celebrate Mother Earth, give thanks for her nourishment and give back. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle to keep Her healthy.
Vulnerability and Paganism — many still hide in the broom closet
Vulnerability was the Soul Matters theme the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Montclair New Jersey focused on this month. My congregation has been following the themes for a few years now and they really make you reflect and work on the issues.
Spell work is not hocus pocus – it takes intent and effort
Spell work is not just waving your hands; rattle off some words and voila. This was one of many reasons I left Catholicism: I was just blindly going through the motions; no feelings involved.