New Year’s resolutions, traditions but only on Jan. 1

New Year’s resolutions, traditions but only on Jan. 1

A New Year’s resolution — a promise made to oneself at the start of the new year. Traditionally, people reflect on the previous year and set self-improvement goals for the coming year. This is all fine and dandy but…without affirmations, you’re basically setting yourself up to fail. That’s right, you need to firmly tell your...

Coming of Age: a class not just for adolescents

Coming of Age: a class not just for adolescents

If you ever wondered how you got to where you are, maybe take an Adult Coming of Age class. Recently, I took this class at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Montclair, New Jersey (UUCM). The Rev. Scott Sammler-Michael, senior co-minister, decided to offer this instead of a class on Hinduism. 

Samhain — the time between

Samhain — the time between

The Celtic New Year, the Gaelic festival that marks the end of the harvest season. The light half of the year has ended and we are traveling into the dark part. This makes sense as in the United States we also shift out of daylight savings time. This year it’s on Nov. 3, so by...

Ritual on a budget — dollar store to the rescue

Ritual on a budget — dollar store to the rescue

On Sunday, Sept. 22, we Pagans celebrated Mabon; autumn was officially here at 8:44 a.m. How quickly this year we went from summer to autumn.  At least it feels that way. The leaves seem to have begun changing color and falling faster this year. Lately, I can’t help but think about where I started and...