
Those in Pakistan

We lit a candle for those in Pakistan, where nearly one third of the nation is under flood waters due to a climate-change-amplified monsoon.


The people of Ukraine

We lit a candle for the people of Ukraine, seeing signs that they might just prevail against a global bully and the thugs supporting him.


Our siblings

We light this candle in awareness and solidarity with our siblings who right now don’t have access to clean water, or water at all, and with those who are suffering from droughts or flooding. May they find relief soon. And may this light remind us that we are stewards of the waters and our fragile...


Amy Hains

The Membership Team and Shannon Gattens lit a candle for Amy Hains and her family. Amy lost her mother this past weekend, less than two years after her father’s passing, after a long struggle toward the end of her life. Amy has been by her mother’s bedside over the last several months, traveling back and...


Laura Feire

Arlene Marin lit a candle for Laura Feire who has many friends in the congregation. Laura has been fighting multiple cancers for a number of years. Please keep Laura and her family in your heart as they navigate her passing.


Chris Glickson

We lit a candle for Chris Glickson. She is undergoing a number of medical tests. May she receive positive news and a renewed sense of health.