We light a candle of concern from Ed Specht for those immigrants both documented and undocumented who are in very tenuous circumstances as a result of recent events; they all deserve our support anyway possible.
Candle Category: Concern
Emily Adams
Dawn Harmon lights a candle of concern for Emily Adams who had a TIA and is now in rehab in Cedar Grove. Please say a prayer for her.
The people in Palestine and Israel
We lit a candle for the people in Palestine and Israel still caught amid the raging violence of war. As we pray the guilty are held accountable, we pray the innocents are spared any more misery and death. Enough …
For our neighbors at Ner Tamid Synagogue
David Beckman-Gaynes lit a candle of concern for our neighbors at Ner Tamid Synagogue in Bloomfield and all Jewish members of our community. A religious hate crime arrived at the very doorstep of Ner Tamid when a man tried to firebomb the synagogue in the overnight hours last Sunday. The explosive failed to ignite. The...
Kim Johnson
Erika Nichols lit a candle of concern for Kim Johnson and prays for her overall wellness and the safety and security of her daughters.
Dorothy Sommer
We lit a candle and pause in care and concern for member Dorothy Sommer. Dorothy has been diagnosed with congestive heart failure and has been placed on hospice care. May she know the love that surrounds her. May she feel the prayers and warmth of our community.
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