Katy Eulette lights three candles, the first two being candles of sorrow; one for her great aunt Florence who many years ago welcomed her like the long lost child she was with unconditional love. She died on January 3rd at age 98. She was salty and sweet, hard-working and fiercely dedicated to her family and she never let Katy forget that she was a part of that family. Her second candle is for the son of Florence, Katy’s cousin Scott who died Friday night just two weeks after his mom. He was a big-hearted soul who had overcome many obstacles with strength and humor. He thrived within a family that never let his disability define him. This final candle from Katy is a candle of love and admiration for her cousin Joanne who cared for both of them always and even more intensely through this past year. Katy asked that she might find comfort in knowing that she gave her all with love and laughter and unmatched grace.