
The Listening Booth

From Rev. Scott Sammler-Michael, Senior Co-Minister “Two things awe me most: the starry sky above me, and the moral law within me.”  –Immanuel Kant December is here. Another year draws to a close and we are cast into the cacophony and bustle of another Xmas holiday season. May you all find ways to take a...


The Listening Booth

“I long, as does every human being, to be at home wherever I find myself.” —Maya Angelou Belonging is drenched with our concepts of home and self. We want to be affirmed for who we truly are. We long to be celebrated for being the person we were born to be. Brene Brown teaches that...


The Listening Booth

“It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education.” – Albert Einstein I was someone who did not always thrive in formal classroom settings. I did well enough in school, for a time, but became frustrated with the model of instruction that expected us to sit quietly still and just receive information for 8 hours...


The Listening Booth

Theme of the Month – TRUST You would probably not be surprised how often people ask ministers questions about trust, usually in the context of relationships that have disappointed, grown distant, or worse. People rightly wonder, “How do I maintain this friendship or marriage?” They ponder, “How can I ever trust again?” This presents a paradox...


The Listening Booth

From Rev. Scott  Sammler-Michael, Senior Co-Minister  “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” –Winston Churchill How do we “make a life by what we give?” At the U we do this in part by donating our 3 ‘T’s – Time, Talent, and Treasure. As a cooperative, volunteer-run organization,...